lördag 24 september 2016

Checking out

CIA agent : That’s was an experience one of a kind
I leave the key out side the manager room.
I don’t want to meet the creepy dude
Goodbye horror motel.... forever

The manager: From Inside, good bye my friend.... for now

He is checking out .... forever

torsdag 22 september 2016

Alive and well in the dream

Exhausted i slam in to bed
Fall in to deep sleep with the dead
There i talk to the girl who was sacrificed
She is now calmer and not afraid to die
I wish her well and eternal sleep
As she is caressed by the light

Chorus: Alive and well in the dream
No more chaos or scream

A dark figure holds my hand
He tells me that i know understand
That we can not escape the dark or the dead
It follows us in our souls and head
I wake up and its time to go home
I leave the motel with heart full of hope

onsdag 21 september 2016

Figuring out the dark

After all the hell i been through
I know my destiny know and what to do
It is that doomsday are coming for all
We can no longer hide behind lies
Darkness is nothing to fear for us
As long as you not are part of the guilt

Chorus: Figuring out the dark
Death made its mark

I have to unleash the truth somehow
Be the voice of the undead and ghosts
So they can get their revenge and peace
Warn other people about the people
That their agenda lurks in the dark
Time to put some light on the hidden

måndag 19 september 2016

Chapter 20 verse 7

Now the voices are more polite
They chanting verses from something old
Number and signs are written and told
On the wall in front of me they write
Ancient languish but i do understand
What the dead trying to say to me

Chorus: Chapter 20 Verse 7

For thousand years so called evil has been jailed
But the evil is not the one to be blamed
It is the mind of mankind that should be shamed
You are one the humans we connect to
So you can spread the real truth
That after long time he will be released

söndag 18 september 2016

Screaming my lungs out

Then i figure out naked
If i shout back to them
Like a lunatic i scream
Get the fuck out of here
They respond with more fear
We all shouting as hell

Chorus: Screaming my lungs out
every inch of me shout

I scream my self red and blue
Insanity taken over me and you
I collapse on the fucking floor
Crying and shouting please no more
As lay in a pool of sweat and tears
Suddenly it stops i feel no fears

lördag 17 september 2016

Gun to my head

Maybe i threat the ghosts
With my magnum gun
Put it to my forehead
Ready to pull the trigger
See if i get any reaction
By my death threat action

Chorus: Gun to my head
Wishing me dead

The ghosts start then to scream
That i can not kill the dream
It only gonna get worse
And that i gonna be a curse
If i take my own life
I get pissed of no solution

fredag 16 september 2016

Running around naked

The voices is getting intense
About to loose my mind
Extreme heat does not help
To think straight in this shit
I rip my cloths off my body
Still the sweat is like glue

Chorus: Running around naked
getting totally wasted

I run around like a moron
Try to cool my mind off
Naked i stand in front of a mirror
All i see is scars of terror
Must find a way to cool down
Or i melt from inside out

torsdag 15 september 2016

Echoes of the black past

The son of sin disappeared
But i understand the fear
Delays has been made
That’s what i see is a echo
Of crimes committed in the past
It is ghost’s trying to last

Chorus: Echoes of the black past
the dead talks vast 

Blackness hides the truth
of evil deeds that been done
Christ was the first victim
A silence was made by death
So no body could hear
That we are controlled by fear

måndag 12 september 2016

Update from Gloominess 1/2016

By nature cause

The voices and visions getting stronger
Some son of sin is among them
Started to communicate with him
He tell tales of nature getting even
Because the net is abused
Its all beaten and bruised

Chorus: By nature cause
we are lost
by nature cause
we pay the cost

Its all about time travel by death
People dies for no reason
And they time is not due
What’s left of it the conspiracy use
Now nature is cleaning it all
By going evil biblical

söndag 11 september 2016

I the Heathen

Is this a message from god
Because i question his existence
Maybe this is a test
For me to go through
But there are no good
Humans has prove it

Chorus: I the heathen
i deny it all
I the Heathen
As Lucifer i fall

So why all the sacrifice
Is it to put fear in mankind
So they easier to control
Religion has outplayed its role
Even the so called evil cries
They get the blame for humans lies

lördag 10 september 2016


Eat a microwave lunch
but see my dinner come to life
Killing it with my knife
Blood and entrails comes out
Is this real i shout
Trained in occultism so i wonder

Chorus: Its all guts and blood
Isolated from the good god

More visions of murder i see
Many more victims it seems to be
Are they calling for me to help
Why the guts on the walls and floor
Is this a warning what to come
The smell of flesh is now more

fredag 9 september 2016

End of 27

Theater of 27 part 20 is the last part of Theater 27 the epic saga, i feel part 20 is a good end for the saga, future recordings is not gonna be named theater of 27 but gonna have story that are connected to 27 and its figures. I feel i written everything that i can about the story of 27 so i am done and everything has end so has theater of 27 and part 20 is for me the perfect end of the saga. But do not fear my friends Gloominess goes on with new albums and i have alot of ideas for the next Gloominess recording


Its freaking hot in here
its feels like an oven
An no air conditioner
Gonna be a hell of a night
Put my self to rest for a while
Funny atmosphere in here

Chorus: Its a Holocaust portal
To test all the mortal

Starting to dream about slaughter
A man that sacrifice his daughter
Just to gain control of the future
So he can live again and again
Waking up sweaty in bed
Voices are pounding in my head

Checking in

Coming with the car to the motel
Its hot to day hope i get a cool room
enter the the place
CIA agent:hello there i want a room
the manager:Yes of course sir but i only got a small room available
CIA agent: i’ll take it, its hot as hell out there
The manager: And this is just beginning ... of the season, here’s the key
Cia agent: thanks see you
The manager: Yes you welcome ..... to hell

He is checking in (Singing) to Armageddon

torsdag 8 september 2016

Part 20 now out

Now part 20 of Theater of 27 is out on my bandcamp site and its called The Dark side of a Motel, and its about a CIA agent checking in to a weird motel and experience hell in room is it ghost crying for help it is gods wrath or something else evil the CIA agent going through, listen to the tale maybe you find out what 27 is all about.

Cheers from Jonny the Madman

onsdag 7 september 2016

Tyst, Mörkt och Skönt

Nu när allt är över
Och jag står ensam kvar
Det Sprider sig ett lugn undergång stämning
Jag och mig själv finner ro

Chorus: Tyst, Mörkt och skönt
Sluten är nu här

Sorgen över att förlorat allt
Går snabbt över till acceptans
Att Mörkret och tystnaden tröstar en
Skönt tänker jag nu får jag frid

tisdag 6 september 2016

Klockan tolv

Mänskligheten är så djävla körd
System och tro är så djävla störd
Snart när midnatt råder över oss
Kan vi hälsa hem till helvetet förståss

Chorus: Klockan tolv och spöken tar vid
Klockan tolv och mänskligheten är förbi

Nu när klockan har slagit tolv
Kan vi inte backa tiden till förr
Vi skulle ha lyssnat på alla varningar
Men idioti sitter i våra gener

måndag 5 september 2016

Satan är den sanna guden

Satan är inte den onda ängeln
Han ville bara alltför väl
Han blev lurad av religioner
Som var ute efter hans makt och själ

Chorus: Satan är den sanna guden för han kom med kärleks buden

Han är inte Lucifer eller ljus
Samt inte horn-pär som Jesus
Eller någon demon härskare
Bara med jobbet att älska livet

söndag 4 september 2016

Blodet flyter

På slakthuset som är stängt
flyter blodet fortfarande
I drömmarna’s värld offras människor
För att stoppa deras öden

Chorus: Blodet flyter snart på golvet Jakten är igång

Skräcken har tyvärr kommit till liv
Blodet flyter nu in i verkligheten
Paradoxer skapas mellan världar
Som inte borde finnas till

fredag 2 september 2016

Lid i helvetet med era lögner

Ni sa att det inte va möjligt
Men jag bevisade motsatsen
Dock höll ni inte va ni lovat
Så svaret blir som sådant

Chorus: Lid i helvetet med era lögner
Jag ska personligen plåga er då

Ni påstår saker som inte är sant
Och Sprida osanna rykten
Fast ni vet att jag är fel man
Bevisar bara hur rutten eran skit är